The final post

So this is it, our final post as Silhouette is now in the care of new owners. Mixed emotions all round for sure but what an adventure we’ve had in the last 8 years together. Of course Silhouette’s will continue as the new owners are moving onboard full time to explore the Mediterranean, we know with love & care she will do her duty of taking them wherever they want to go in safety and style.

The start of the adventure

Back in 2015 our plan was in general to not have a plan except to step outside our comfort zone and explore parts of the world we would never normally see. Together with our daughter Charlotte (who didn’t choose this life) we did just that & haven’t regretted a single moment. There’s been highs & lows of course, crossing the Atlantic Ocean on our own yacht as a family will be something we’ll talk about for years to come whilst at the other end of the spectrum seeing Charlotte so unwell due to her medical condition has been simply horrific. Her strength and will to continue to explore the world with us despite her limitations should be a message to everyone that positivity and a will to push on when others around you disagree is what makes you stand out from the crowd & we are so proud of her.

Surfing down the Atlantic rollers!!

One of the many highlights for us are the friends we’ve made along the way, from all walks of life, but with the same goal & that is to simply be there, have fun & help if/when needed.

The cruising life is such that you make friends but may never see them again as we nearly always end up sailing in different directions, there’s been so many we couldn’t list you all but we have to do a few….

Dr Simon Ashley & Nina on Yacht Safina for introducing Charlotte to your colleague Dr Martin Sadler, “you have changed her life forever”.

Steve & Helen Houssart on Yacht Allegrini, together our yachts have covered over 10,000 miles & we have left our mark in many bars, I’m sure we still owe you a round or two 😉

Nick & Carol Bullen on Yacht Sea Spine, our friends of some 30 years and Atlantic crew in 2018 ….. Nick & I hand steering all night every night for 3000 miles, what an experience.

Christoph & Angela on Yacht Ithaka, together we set up “International Rescue” in St Lucia. Who knew Germans had such a great sense of humour?! 😉

Jeremy Gassman on Yacht Right Turn who we first met on the Algarve in 2018 and have sailed in company with since. You’re “not happy” vhf call in thick fog will make us laugh for years to come 😂

Lastly a huge thank you to Nala for continuing to look after Charlotte. Incidentally she is quite the celebrity now on British Airways!!

VIP traveller!

There are of course many more, we wish you all fair winds & calm seas ahead. For us we’re going to take a couple of months “land cruising” through Europe as we return to our home in Dorset, England. Once there it’s time for Charlotte to carefully spread her wings & gain some independence which is so important for her. In due course we plan to buy a villa in Spain, not too far from the Houssart’s so the partying will continue!

Gibraltar runway

Thank you to the thousands who’ve read our blog over the last few years, if you get the opportunity to do something extraordinary just do it as life is too precious & short to miss out.

“This is yacht Silhouette standing by on channel 16”…….

4 thoughts on “The final post”

  1. You will miss her but you have to move on, what is your plan from now?? I have a motor home now , are you going to continue to travel. The land option is less at the mercy of our modern weather , good luck and enjoy. T&L


  2. You four are an absolute inspiration to us mere mortals! All the very best for the future hope to see you in Westbourne sometime.😛😜😍


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